Novabeast - Tech Shoes / Sandals - Sho01
Novabeast cloth, tech shoes/sandals, Sho01, with Hue change, emission, AudioLink, and skin change function.
add Extra Skin package (all with function):
You will get:
unity package file (.unitypackage)
Substance 3D painter file (.SPP)
Photoshop file (.PSD)
Texture PNG files (base_color & emission mask, 4k)
Faces: 3708
Parameter: 1 bit (base) / 19 bits (extra skin)
Number of materials: 1 (base)/ 8 (extra skin)
Number of textures: 6 (base)/ 15 (extra skin)
Texture size: 4096 (unity setting is 2048)
Unity base knowledge
lilToon - create version: 1.7.3
with VRCFury
Drag the Prefab into your avatar.
Done, test your avatar, and publish.
Additional things:
Model mesh with an extra blendshape to fit 4 toes Nova.
that's all.
Hope you like it!
If you are using any parts of my work in your advertisement, you must credit me and have a link back to the product page.
For commissions, both the client and artist must have purchased and own the asset.
Do not claim this asset as your own.